I have been advised that spending too much time working at home is becoming dangerous to my mental health, so I’ve made an effort to get out and about more. So the other day I decided the time had come to finally do something about the pile of books that has been sitting next to my bed for about a year, and go to one of those places in Paris that buys used English-language reading matter.
There is a lively trade in English-language books here that sometimes resembles a smuggling network. It works something like this: you meet someone who is an English native speaker who lives in Paris. You work the conversation around to books, and how expensive new English language ones are here and how you should have stocked up last time you were in Chicago. The other person’s eyes narrow slightly. They say: “I’ve got books.”
“You’ve got books?” you reply, trying to sound nonchalant.
“Yeah, I’ve got a whole stack of them that I’m trying to get rid of.”
“Really?” You take a sip of your coffee and look out into the traffic. “Hmm…I’ve got some too.”
Your companion lower’s his voice and looks at you significantly. “We could exchange some…if you want.”
“What have you got?”
“Oh, a few thrillers, some mysteries…”
“Oh,” you say, and stir your demi-tasse.
“…and the new Paul Auster, a Zadie Smith, and some David Sedaris…”
Your heart starts to pound. “OK, when do we meet?”
“Here’s my card. Bring a sturdy backpack.”
Or you can just take your books to the San Francisco Book Company. This used bookstore deals exclusively in English-language books. There is wheeling and dealing here too. First the dour bookseller will assess your cache and pick out which ones he wants (in general, surprisingly few). Then he will offer you a minimal amount of cash, or twice as much in exchange, i.e., you can pick books from the store. You start to drool, because the store is full of great used books. Until you look at the prices, which are much higher than you would have imagined for a used book. You start to balk, until you remember that you are overseas and they’ve got you over a barrel because English-language books cost a fortune in the stores and even on Amazon you’ll have to deal with hefty postage. And besides, you are a die-hard, someone who does not want to Search Inside! on a computer screen, no, you are someone who wants physical contact with their prospective read.
So you are stuck. You find yourself paying nine euros for a dog-eared copy of a New York Times best seller. At those prices, I’m not sure why the booksellers are so dour. And they are very dour. Expat anglophone sellers of English-language books tend to be even more dour than Parisians. I’m not sure if it’s because Literature Is Serious Business, or if it’s because they are permanently disappointed that Paris is no longer the city of Hemingway and Fitzgerald. Either way, it’s a challenge to get a smile out them.
Just down from San Francisco, there is very similar store, called Berkeley Books. Clearly there is some sort of connection, though the owners claim they are not affiliated. Perhaps there is some sort of Bay Area association. Maybe soon we will see the opening of Emeryville Books, or The Cupertino Reading Room all within a six-block radius of the Odéon metro station. It could happen. Anything is possible when it comes to the Paris Reading Underground.
Some of what I've just read here doesn't sound too different from my experience when I was preparing to leave Glasgow for the US and was trying to offload some of my extensive book collection onto second hand books stores.
i laughed and laughed. great post!
I find the San Francisco Book Company guy is a 5 on the dour scale, while the fellow at Berkeley Books manages to hit a full 10, and takes fewer books, as well.
But it's sort of like frequent flyer programs: once you're in the system you can't afford to break away.
What is it with those guys? Maybe they are mad that they're not Shakespeare & Company.
Great post! thank you i found this information very interesting!!
I am amused by this post. You start out describing a scene from 'allo 'allo, the british comedy, which is an ironic depiction of France considering your next post of American stereotyping!
While reading I thought Amazon delivers everywhere, and then I realised thats not so green as exchanging, but then I thought Kindle!
Actually, I've never seen 'allo 'allo, and I'm not British, so I'm not sure I get the reference, but true, I did say that Parisians are dour...
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